18 May 2012
A student accidentally set her university coursework on fire, just hours before the deadline for submitting the piece.
Fire crews attended the scene at Kingston University on Tuesday morning, to the Clayhill halls of residence in Surbiton.
The female student, who suffered minor burns to her hands, was trying to seal some fabric when it set alight, according to Your Local Guardian
The fire alarm sounded and the student tried to control the flames by placing the material in a bin, which contained paper tissues, which spread the fire.
Watch manager Robin Hart of Surbiton Fire Station said the student was most worried about her coursework:
“She was in a terrible state. The work had to be handed in by 10.30am [that] morning and she was less worried about having the burns treated [than] trying to restart her coursework,” he said.
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 anyone who owns commercial property in England and Wales must conduct a ‘suitable and sufficient’ fire risk assessment.
Copyright Press Association 2012