20 Dec 2011
The Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA) has voted to change its name to the Building and Engineering Services Association, which will take effect on March 1 next year.
A special general meeting in London on December 8 saw the decision agreed after a consultation with the membership, with more than 90% support.
President Bob Shelley said the current name is no longer accurate and is backed by research carried out among members and their clients. He added that the scope of services provided by association members is “much broader than simply h&v (heating and ventilating)”.
The association has believed this to be the case for some time, Mr Shelley said, and needed a name which better reflected the whole building and engineering services sector.
He said: “HVCA is now ideally placed to become just such an organisation.”
In its 107-year history, the association has now changed its name three times to match its changing composition. The last name change was in 1963.
Copyright Press Association 2011