02 Jun 2014
A new partnership will see facilities managers and human resources personnel working more closely together in future to get the most out of their workers, it has been announced.
During the Think FM conference in May the BIFM and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) revealed they would be collaborating in new research to discover how the worlds of FM and HR are changing to suit the modern workplace.
Peter Cheese, the chief executive of the CIPD, said FM and HR can team up to produce better, more productive places to work.
One of the delegates at the conference said FM professionals should forge closer links with HR instead of being simply a cost centre among finance teams, while another said although FM and HR work together closely in his organisation, it isn’t the norm elsewhere.
It was also suggested that FM professionals should not only collaborate with HR departments to enhance organisations and attract staff, but work more closely with IT in terms of data centres and marketing personnel too to maintain the public image of organisations.
Copyright Press Association 2014