25 Apr 2013
More than 10 fires per week strike care homes and sheltered accommodation in London.
The figures, from London Fire Brigade, have emphasised the need for sprinklers in such residences and show why the brigade is prioritising lowering the number of fires in them.
The brigade reckons the vast majority of these residences do not have sprinklers which can save lives.
The year 2012-13 saw two people killed and 26 injured when the capital was struck by 540 fires in care homes and sheltered accommodation, mostly housing older people.
Deputy commissioner Rita Dexter and her colleagues are concerned by the amount of vulnerable people who are still being harmed or killed in accommodation “where they should be safe”.
The group most at risk from fire consists of older people, those with mental health problems and with mobility issues, said Ms Dexter.
It was clear from the amount and regularity of care home fires attended that builders, developers, councils and private providers must stop ignoring the benefits of sprinklers, she added.
Copyright Press Association 2013