More than 100 firefighters were required to contain a fire at an industrial estate in Lancashire.
Worker ‘lost two fingers in pump’
A heating contractor lost two fingers after his hand was pulled into a water pump, a court has heard.
HVCA votes for 2012 name change
The Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA) has voted to change its name to the Building and Engineering Services Association, which will take effect on March 1 next year.
Explosion sparks candles warning
London firefighters have warned people not to leave candles anywhere near air fresheners following an explosion at a pharmacy.
Hygiene in Welsh eateries displayed
Welsh restaurants and takeaways could soon have their “scores-on-the-doors” as the Government is keen for premises to display their hygiene ratings.
Fire crews tackle CO poisoning
Two fire services have visited thousands of homes in a bid to cut down on the scores of deaths caused by carbon monoxide (CO) each year.
Hospital A&E ward closed after fire
An emergency ward at a Winchester hospital has been closed after a fire.
WebOS to be open-source project
Hewlett-Packard is set to turn its Palm developed webOS mobile-device operating system into an open-source project.
Firefighters tackle hospital blaze
Firefighters have tackled a blaze at a hospital in Hampshire.