The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) hopes a new and updated code of practice will help improve the control of legionella bacteria in water systems.
FMs to improve energy management
Facilities managers who practice good energy management tend to spend drastically less on their building energy, water and waste costs than those who use energy poorly, new research shows.
Nightclubs fail fire safety checks
Two nightclubs in Bradford city centre have failed fire safety inspections following a crackdown in response to a tragedy in Brazil.
Sixth Legionnaires’ case found
Health officials investigating an outbreak of Legionnaires’ Disease in the Renfrew area of Scotland have found a sixth case.
TfL improves Tube ventilation
London Underground has taken steps this week to extend the number of air-conditioned trains on the Tube network.
Energy audits mooted for big firms
Large companies will have to undertake quadrennial energy-saving audits by law from the end of 2015 under new Government plans.
Fire crews battled factory blaze
A huge blaze in South Yorkshire was tackled by 50 firefighters on Sunday.
Bid to cap workplace temperatures
MPs are trying to push through a law that would require workers to be sent home if places get hotter than 30C.
Warning over extraction systems
Fire officers are alerting restaurant owners to the dangers of extraction systems after a third fire at London food premises in two days.